Paula Roush (UK)

Public art project, Auckland 2010

    • Paula Roush, A field of interconnected realities (2010), Living Room, Auckland; video still by Rob Garrett

Paula Roush was invited by Rob Garrett to participate in Auckland City Council’s Living Room 2010 public art programme. The overall curator of Living Room 2010: A Week of Kindness was Pontus Kyander, the then former Manager Public Art.

Max Ernst's 1934 graphic novel Une semaine de bonte (A Week of Kindness) was central to London-based Roush's piece, A Field of Interconnected Realities performed in Auckland in March 2010.

Two artists, Roush, who was in Auckland, and Maria Lusitano in Sweden, used a webcam to develop a series of interconnected drawings inspired by Ernst's collages. Each session was performed live, mixing hand drawing with the use of sketch-a-graph, a machine that can enlarge and reduce an image while copying it. The drawing performance was networked with webcams and streamed live on the net and projected at Queen Elizabeth II Square in Auckland’s downtown. After the performance the audience was invited to participate and experiment drawing using the sketch-o-graph.

Roush performed one live drawing every day for five days and from these sessions, material was produced for a revised "semaine de bonte" artists' book. The artist also presented a public talk and demonstration.

Paula Roush’s participation in Living Room 2010 was supported by The British Council.

    • Paula Roush, A field of interconnected realities (2010), Living Room, Auckland; video still by Rob Garrett
    • Paula Roush, A field of interconnected realities (2010), Living Room, Auckland; video still by Rob Garrett

A field (of interconnected realities) or The week of mash-up goodness (2010-12), Paula Roush and Maria Lusitano; publication and video.

The video essay is a 36-minute narrative collaged with fragments of film, painting, illustration and literature relating to the female gothic. Its departure point is Dons des Féminines and the backdrop story is Valentine Penrose's travels in India in the company of Alice Rahon. The visual essay narrates the way through which the 'apparitional' female 'monster' has been depicted in visual and literary representations, and how these have influenced and contributed to current discourses regarding gender and the construction of the queer identity.

Paula Roush and Maria Lusitano, Classop (varied papers), artist book; produced in Lisbon in August 2010

Project based on the private library acquired by L. dos Santos during the sixties and seventies. The library reflects his professional interests, including architecture, urban planning and education, as well as the influence of historical events that marked those two decades: the anti-fascist movement, the May '68, students' riots, the carnations' revolution and PREC -- the revolutionary period after April 25th. Researching this library, 40 years later, a selection of images and texts found in the books, magazines and leaflets was reworked through editing, drawing, sampling and experimental writing. The fragmented intertextual narrative that emerged from this work represents a subjective look at the public documents in a private archive.

Editing, writing and drawing: Maria Lusitano and Paula Roush.

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