Joanna Langford

The High Country: SCAPE project realised

    • Joanna Langford, The High Country 2012, commissioned by SCAPE Public Art; photo courtesy of the artist and SCAPE

Finally, after the disruption of the tragic earthquakes in Christchurch, Joanna Langford's public art project "The High Country" was realised:

"The High Country" by Joanna Langford is an aerial utopian city installation that appears to be floating above its urban surroundings in central Christchurch.

"The High Country" was commissioned for the 6th SCAPE Christchurch Biennial of Art in Public Space in October 2010. Its construction was repeatedly foiled by the Christchurch earthquakes, however after much tenacity and perseverance it's installation was celebrated on a newly vacant site on Cranmer Square on 11th November 2012.

SCAPE Public Art installs large-scale, free-to-view contemporary public art in Christchurch City.

Watch the video and read my preview essay on SCAPE 2010 published just prior to the devastating earthquakes.

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